Guide: Being a Staffer

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Welcome to staff! You have officially become part of the inner workings of the game. Below this guild will outline the "how-tos" of staffing here on Clans of Isstia.

Section 1: The Introduction

  • The first thing you should do set up your staff bit with the proper information. This includes your Timezone and Active Hours, as well as any notes that you wish to share with players. It is not required that you share your characters identities with players, but if you want to list them on your profile you may.
  • The second thing you should do is have your staff wiki account created and set up.
    • It is important that staff remember that for no reason should they make changes to policies or files without permission. Changes to these things are only made with express permission of a head wizards.
    • Staff may correct typos, but should not change content or meaning of a file. If you aren't sure, ask.

Section 2: Be Honest, Fair & Put Your Best Foot Forward

  • Watch out for Conflict of Interest. Staff are not permitted to approve their own applications or handle their own jobs. They are also not permitted to do these things for players directly associated with their characters. As a general rule, a staffer should assume any jobs/applications for their characters families as off limits. Do not view these jobs. Do not ask to discuss these jobs unless you are approached by the handling staffer.
  • Remember, you are the face of CoI. Your behavior, maturity and actions directly reflect the way that people view nt only the game as a whole, but the other staff as individuals. One bad staffer can cast a bad light on all of those around them, and for that reason staff should remain mature, respectful and professional when dealing with players.
Should a topic or event upset a staffer, that staffer should immediately step away from it and assign it to another staffer. The same goes for dealing with a player. If you cannot control your negative feeling concerning a player (we have all been there), then step back and send the jobs to someone else. There is no shame in taking the mature approach.
It is also important to note that as a staffer, the wizards expect you to be profession and respect the privacy of the staffers you work with. For no reason should a staffer share information gleamed on your staff bit, not even to your closest friends and especially if it effects them.

Section 3: The Power of Taking Notes

  • The number one rule of covering your ass as staff is the same rule that applies to the work place, [document everything]. This means that rather than paging a player, staff should use the job commands to open lines of communication. This will allow you to not only communicate your concerns, but it will create an easily accessed document that will allow other staffers to view the discussions should something go sideways.
In some cases conversations still happen, and in those cases it never hurts to log those events. This mostly pertains to questions that you feel may become problems later on. Pages that are based on player-concerns should ALWAYS be logged and posted to the staff wiki. This is to ensure that any potential issue is documented, and other staff are kept aware of situations.

Job Commands

To View, Read & Handle Jobs

File: +STFHelp Jobs Basic

  • +Jobs - Lists jobs
  • +Jobs <#> - Views job details. You can also view a range of jobs, like 1-5.
  • +Jobs/Create <Category>=<Title>/<Description> - Creates a new job,
  • +Jobs/Assign <#>=<Staffer> - Assigns a job to a staffer.
  • +Jobs/Handle <#> - Assigns a job to yourself.

To Respond to Jobs

  • +Jobs/Comment <#>=<Comment> - Adds a comment to a job.
    • Remember that comments will be sent to the submitter when the job is closed.
  • +Jobs/Mail <#>=<List>/<Comment> - Adds a comment to a job and sends a mail to the people on the list.
  • +Jobs/Close <#> - Closes a job.
    • A copy will be posted to the Staff Jobs BBS
    • Another copy will be sent to the original submitter.
  • +Jobs/Close <#>=<Comment> - Closes WITH a comment, one stop shopping.

Section 4: Important Staff Commands

  • +STFhelp Notes
  • +STFhelp Rosters
  • +STFhelp Find
  • +STFhelp Awards
  • +STFhelp Restart
  • +STFhelp Sanctions
  • +STFhelp Greet
  • +STFhelp Idle

On a final note, never be afraid to ask questions. We're all here to have fun and run a game that brings enjoyment to everyone who plays. We also want staffers to enjoy their place here. If at any time you find that you are unsure of a rule or situation, don't be afraid to reach out to your fellow staffers.